Fruit Check

….He straightened up and said to them (scribes and Pharisees) “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her”. ~ John 8:7 In the news recently, there have been several stories of celebrities who are finding faith and publicly announcing their change of heart.  Just to name a few:  Justin Beiber, Selena Gomez, Kanye West, and most recently Demi Levato was baptized in the Jordan River.  People of all walks of life, celebrities included, coming to Christ and having newfound faith is not new and has been happening for centuries.  In our day and age, it becomes sensationalized due to the baseness of Hollywood and the music industry, so that many people are shocked by these conversions.  However, what I find MORE shocking is the attitude of professing Christians in response to them. What I have found in the comment